
Neighborhood Vision 2025

Imagine AsiaTown as a Home for the AAPI Community

Concurrent with the creation of the MidTown Vision Plan was the development of Imagine AsiaTown, a strategic vision plan created by residents and stakeholders of the broader AsiaTown neighborhood - which extends north of Payne Avenue to Superior, and includes Rockwell Street (Historic Chinatown) and areas along St. Clair Avenue. The MidTown Vision Plan can support the AsiaTown community to enhance the broader community identity, sense of belonging, and cultural confidence; promote co-existence and community prosperity and realize residents self-organizing, resource flowing, and sustainability.


Imagine AsiaTown as a Home for the AAPI Community


Utilize the Vision-in-Action Compass for Projects in AsiaTown

Build awareness of and put to use the Vision-in-Action Compass, a flexible strategy and assessment tool customized to the AsiaTown Shared Vision.

Near-Term Actions


Pilot the use of the Vision-in-Action Compass for a community-created / neighbor-led project in AsiaTown.

Consider expansion of tool for MidTown programming.

Type of Action

Coordination & Support

Looking For

Resident Ideas & Leaders
