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Neighborhood Vision 2025

Connect and Empower Neighbors, Block By Block

Collective community care paired with knowledge of neighbors, resources and communities leads to neighbors sharing information, identifying concerns and acting collectively to address those concerns. Programs, initiatives, and spaces co-created with residents as a result of this Vision Plan should help residents feel empowered from their strengths to connect, organize, and lead community-building efforts in MidTown. The ultimate goal is to build organic connections among residents to foster leadership & community ownership of the neighborhood.

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Connect and Empower Neighbors, Block By Block


Continue Co-Creating Midtown Programming with Residents to Activate Community and Spaces

Intentionally involve residents to co-create programming bring joy in their neighborhoods and build community through storytelling, celebration and civid involvement. This Action also reinforces a concept defined in the Imagine AsiaTown plan to increase visibility and recognition of community members’ stories, contributions and commitment.

Near-Term Actions


Host series of holistic wellness/health outdoor programming for 2021 (acoustic music, meditation/journaling, zumba, yoga).

Create a Fund for community “build” day with resident-based projects.

Type of Action

Event Planning & Organizing

Looking For

Resident Participation & Ideas
